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Health and Safety on reopening

From: Mark Kaplan - CDRC, Meeting Coordinator

To: All Meeting Leaders,

I have some exciting news! CDRC is preparing to re-open our doors on June 29th and I wanted to reach out to each one of you and alert you and your groups to let you know what we’ve done to prepare the meeting facility for your return. We have had our facility completely disinfected during our closure and have set rooms up to minimize potential surface transmission and appropriate distancing in accordance with all CDC, state, regional and local regulations. We have made the health and safety our top priority for all those who utilize our space. To that end there are some important things for you and your group to know regarding the "Office Space Work Guidelines for Employers and Employees" and "Mass Gatherings Guidelines" that the CDRC will be implementing per NYS' Directive.


  • All meeting groups will be required to complete the NY Forward Safety Plan prior to beginning meetings again. The CDRC will request a copy of this document prior to each groups return. Each group must also have this onsite at every meeting.


  • A designee from each group will need to be trained/review and confirm receipt of proper disinfecting protocols.

  • All meeting groups will be limited to a maximum of 17 people or less (per NYS guidelines allow 25 but our largest meeting room will hold 17 with social distancing).

  • An acceptable face covering will be required at all times, in all areas of the building and parking lot.

  • Proper social distancing of 6ft between individuals will be required in the meeting rooms -- therefore the maximum number of people per room may be less than based on those guidelines. (Our Room Maximum is as follows: (Capacity with 6 foot spacing: A-17, B-11, C-6, H-5, E-4, S-3)

  • Floor markers will be used to identify where each chair should be located. Tables and additional chairs will not be permitted in the room.

  • Outside food and beverages will not be allowed in the building, nor will any on-site food or beverages be provided.

  • The kitchen will remain closed until further guidance from NYS

  • Only one person will be permitted in the bathroom at a time.

  • Groups will be asked to wipe down chairs and shared surfaces with EPA approved disinfectant provided by the CDRC upon leaving the room and will be required to properly dispose of waste in a plastic bag and remove it from the building by placing it in the dumpster in the back of the parking lot.

  • Upon completion of a meeting, individuals will be asked to promptly leave the facility.

  • Proper social distancing practices must be followed in the parking lot.


  • Provide hand soap, hand sanitizer and disinfectant onsite for all visitors to use and will complete a thorough cleaning of the entire building at the close of each day.

  • Provide disposable face masks for those who forget to bring their own.

  • Post CDC and DOH approved signage throughout the building outlining:

Proper face coverings to be used

Steps for safe and effective disinfectant use

How to protect yourself from the spread of COVID-19

How to stop the spread

  • Post CDRC specific building, meeting space and parking lot guidance.

  • Screen each individual that enters the building – using a short questionnaire and a temperature check – and anyone who has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will not be permitted to enter the building.

  • Immediately notify building management and the county health department upon learning that any individual that entered the building has come down with COVID related symptoms, has tested positive for COVID or has been in contact with someone that has tested positive for COVID


Some additional information that might be helpful as you plan your return to live meetings can be found on the HMB Area 49 website : . This report has suggestions across a vast number of considerations for group meetings and not all will apply to each group, so take what you like and leave the rest.


  • Your groups interest in returning on the same days/times?

  • When you would like to return to live meetings?

  • Would your group would like to remain virtual for a longer period of time, but continue paying rent to hold your spot?

  • Would you like us to look into additional rooms for you to use during or on the same day/time at the same rental amount being paid for your current space?

This information will help us appropriately plan and accommodate each of you. We know that this has not been an easy time for you and your fellowships, and that there is an eagerness to begin meeting in person again. We want your thoughts on your return and to discuss with you options that will make this transition as smooth as possible for you and your groups.

Re-opening information can also be found on our Facebook Page

We are in need of additional volunteers to meet the additional responsibilities surrounding the required protocols put in place. Volunteers are critical to the CDRCs success and if anyone is interested or knows someone that is interested they can call or reach out to our volunteer coordinator Dan Meher at - or myself.

I am available via email: or by cell : 518-222-9988 to answer any questions or concerns you might have. I look forward to talking and seeing all of you very soon!



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